App: sireus

States and Variables make up this Bots data.


Operation: Default Problem Evaluate Escalate EscalateWait

Traffic: Default High Low None

Attack Risk: Default Low High Critical


processed 878/s
request_problem 0.00
timeout_rate 0/s
wait_queue 0

Condition gets a Final Score, on the left side of the header, and will be green or red depending on whether it is Available to executed.

Score: 0.00 Long Wait Queue Operation.Default

Score: 0.00 Many Timeouts Operation.Default

Score: 0.00 Normal Operation Operation.Problem

Conditions can only be Available if their Required States are currently active. There is a description if you expand them which explains the scoring in detail, up to the final score.

An Condition with a score of 0 will never be executed, and there are several conditions which will force a 0 score.

When more than one Condition is Available and meets all their requirements, the highest score will be executed.